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50 Cent Fights Teen Bullying with new Novel!

50 Cent is stepping up his celebrity to fight bullying, dding yet another book to his stellar business résumé titled “Playground.”

Curtis Jackson III, also known as rapper 50 Cent, has recently released a novel titled Playground: The Mostly True Story of a Former Bully which is loosely based on his life growing up as a teen bully.

According to a statement from the book’s publisher Razorbill, the first-person novel will tell the story of a 13-year-old schoolyard bully “who finds redemption as he faces what he’s done.”

The story follows the life of a 13-year-old named Butterball, after he has moved from his home in the city to live in the suburbs, where he is forced to go to therapy after a playground incident that sent a kid to the hospital. As the story evolves, readers are given a first-person voice point-of-view narration of the experiences and conditions that explain the how and why he became a bully.

“I had a strong desire to write ‘Playground’ because I wanted to explore how a kid becomes a bully,” 50 said in a statement announcing the book. “I drew on events from my own childhood and adolescence, but was excited to see the story take on its own life. This book would have been very helpful for me growing up and now that I have a teenage son, it is my goal that this will have a positive influence on all teenagers,” said Jackson in a statement to MTV.

Another Hip-Hop mogul Russell Simmons says this is a wonderful book two thumbs up. The book is slated to hit stores on November 1st, 2011.

Mr. Curtis Jackson III always the business man is giving fans a quick glimpse at what’s to come, check out the brief excerpt below.

From 50 Cent’s Novel Playground

” I’ll be the first to admit that not everything I’ve done in my life has been role-model material. I’ve been on the wrong side of the law. I’ve been in violent situations. I’ve also been a bully. I know how a person gets to be like that. That’s why I wanted to tell this story: to show a kid who has become a bully—how and why that happened,and whether or not he can move past it. Writing Playground was a personal journey for me. There’s a lot of me in Butterball. I drew on events that happened in my childhood and adolescence as well as things I saw around me. I also tapped into some of the feelings I remember having at that age—feelings about my family, feelings about my future, feelings about other kids on the playground. Living life on the edge has taught me a lot, like the fact that being mentally strong will get you ahead in life. But being a bully won’t get you anywhere. Some kids don’t figure that out until it’s too late. Does Butterball? You’ll have to read the book to find out.”

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3 Responses

  1. Pingback : Positive Black Male News: 50 Cent Fights Teen Bullying with new Novel | The Black Man Can

  2. Pingback : 50 Cent’s has novel that speaks out against teen bullying | Word is Bourne - WiB

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