BlackGirlsCODE is hosting PART II of their 1-day webmaking workshop in San Francisco on Saturday, July 28, 2012 at ThoughtWorks Inc. This workshop will continue where the group left off with the first workshop by teaching participants to build their own unique webpage in one day using fun games and activities to introduce HTML, CSS, and basic web structure. But now they’re going to throw in some video editing and music to up the fun factor in this workshop even more! This will be part of a 3 class simulcast workshop with classes held simultaneously in San Francisco, Chicago, and Atlanta. The girls will connect and share with each other via video in 3 states. All BGC Summer of Code events are geared towards introducing participants to the technological universe and encouraging them to pursue careers as Tech Creators and Entrepreneurs. This event is intended for girls ages 7-17.
The event starts promptly at 10:00AM. Participants are encouraged to bring their own computers if available or access will be provided to a computer workstation during the workshop. Both lunch and snacks will be provided.
BlackGirlsCode is an organization that has as its mission a goal of increasing the numbers of young women of color in the field of digital and computer technology by providing them with skills in computer programming, exposing them to role models in the technology space, and increasing their self-confidence by teaching them the skills required to become tech creators and entrepreneurs. Imagine the impact!
Space is limited to sign up soon to secure your spot! To Register now visit: