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Charity Spotlight: OPPORTUNITIES PA

OPPORTUNITIES PA is a nonprofit organization that Educates, Equips, Empowers, and Encourages homeless and other at risk youth and young adults to achieve their academic potential and professional goals by offering them supportive services and stable housing.

Most homeless youth go from home to home, sleeping on a friend’s couch or floor. Housing for homeless youth and young adults is minimal due to limited funding and the lack of awareness of the need.

Fast Facts:
5-8% or 1-1.6 million youth experience homelessness each year 1
Homeless youth lack the legal guardianship, residency, records, and transportation necessary to go to school
1 out of 4 youth leave foster care without a job, adult support, and a place to live2
1 out of 5 youth leave foster care without a high school diploma/GED1
In 2009, 38% of youth assessing services at an emergency youth shelter have previously been in foster care
47% of youth do not have places to live for at least 6 months after being discharged from care1
The National Runaway Switchboard reports that homeless youth have used sex in exchange for food, shelter, or money. Without a stable and secure home, youth are condemned to disorganized, vulnerable, often victimized and criminalized existences. Without an education homeless youth are left without resources and opportunities to accomplish their dreams!

Call to Action Ways You Can Help OPPORTUNITIES PA

OPPORTUNITIES PA needs your support to increase their impact, hire staff, obtain meeting space, and provide rent stipends for five young people to continue their education goals and reach their career aspirations.

Ways to support:
Become a friend of the mission
Host a fundraiser with your friends for our organization
Endorse the organization by sending a letter or email to friends encouraging their support
Be our advocate by directing us to resources that can benefit our clients
Adopt a Student
Become a mentor

For more information on how you can support OPPORTUNITIES PA, visit OPPORTUNITIES PA!

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