The late Marion Stubbs Thomas founded Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated on January 24, 1938 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. About twenty mothers came together to discuss creating an organization to provide social, cultural and educational opportunities for youth between the ages of two and nineteen.
By 1946, ten chapters were involved in the national restructuring process. The organization was incorporated under the laws of the state of Delaware.
Today, Jack and Jill has over 220 chapters nationwide, representing beyond 30,000 family members. Through service projects, Jack and Jill of America creates a medium of contact for children to stimulate their growth and development.
Their current project, Rebuild America is based on creating adequate housing. They are seeking to raise awareness as well as reestablish the need for low income housing. They now have a partnership with the Windy City Habitat for Humanity as well as the New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity, and will sponsor their first Habitat home in the spring of 2011.