Today is officially the last day of what was certainly a week of tragedy and sorrow, we join the country in mourning and seeking fostering insight. This post offers ways we can remember Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and the Victims of the Dallas Police Shootings.
Sadly the deaths of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile, in Falcon Heights, Minnesota, were both killed by police. Their deaths, which were both captured on video, reminded us that as country we may not have came as far as we often think. It aches at the hearts of mothers, fathers and people everywhere. As one could imagine, these killings added to the already long list of police killings, 123 black people killed by police in 2016 to be exact, have sparked protests nationwide. To add to the madness on Thursday night at was to be a peaceful protest in Dallas, TX, Five Dallas PD and Dallas Area Rapid Transit officers: Michael Smith, Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Patrick Zamarripa and Brent Thompson; wounding six more, as well as one civilian.
In response, family members, celebrities and individuals have created crowdfunding campaigns to help defray funeral and legal costs, and help support their children and families. A number of activists in cities across the country have also organized vigils and protests in response to Sterling and Castile’s killings and peace ceremony, hailing that an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. As we reported earlier this week actress, author and creator Issa Rae created a scholarship campaign via GoFundMe raising over $660,000 to send Alton Sterlings kids to college. At a time like this we all must ask ourselves what can we do? We cannot be social media activists, it’s time we reach deep and spread our resources wide. Here’s a short list of ways you can help.
How to Give:
For Alton Sterling
Alton Sterling Go Fund Me for burial services.
Created by Sterling’s aunt, Sandra Sterling, to send Alton Sterling home in Style.”
Even though the campaign has exceeded it’s goal you can still donate to the #AltonSterlingFamily Scholarship
Created by Issa Rae, actress and creator of Awkward Black Girl, this fund will support Sterling’s five children by creating a scholarship fund. Per Rae’s description, all funds will be going to the family.
For Philando Castile
Created by Castile’s sister, Allysza Castile, to “contribute to his homecoming and family.” According to Castile, “At this time the family is grieving we just lost a very good man never in trouble a law abiding citizen.” Sadly Philando was a beloved school worker since the age of 19 who served as a role model to countless kids. The campaign still has not met it’s goal as of this posting and needs our help.
Remembering Philando
Created by Planting Peace, an international nonprofit focused on humanitarian aid and environmental initiatives. All of the funds will go to Castile’s family, click here to learn more about the Crowdwise campaign.
For Dallas Victims
Support Dallas Police Department
Assist the Officer Foundation, founded in 1999, provides assistance to officers in need and their families. Go to or send a check or money order to Assist the Officer, 1412 Griffin Street East, Dallas, TX 75215.
CrowdRise fundraising site has a Support Dallas Police Department donation page to help pay for medical treatment of the wounded officers and help the families of those killed. Go to
The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund publishes online tributes — narratives, poems, stories and messages.

People take part in a rally on April 29, 2015 at Union Square in New York, held in solidarity with demonstrators in Baltimore, Maryland demanding justice for an African-American man who died of severe spinal injuries sustained in police custody. AFP PHOTO/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez (Photo credit should read EDUARDO MUNOZ ALVAREZ/AFP/Getty Images)
Black Lives Matter
To support and join the Black Lives Matter movement visit, you can find your local chapter and get a list of events including rallies and protests where you are greatly needed.
As we become aware of other ways you can support, we’ll be sure to update this post.